Gastric Injection

Gastric Injection

Operation Duration

15 Minutes

Hospital Stay


Total Stay

1 Day



Approximate Recovery

2 Hoursv

More Info

Countless merits render gastric injections superior to alternative methods of pharmaceutical administration. For instance, such infusions facilitate circumvention of the digestive apparatus, expediting and honing medication delivery to the stomach. Furthermore, gastric injections exhibit utility in scenarios wherein oral medications are unviable, including instances of emesis or gastrointestinal impediments.

Nonetheless, gastric injections are not devoid of risks and constraints. Infection may besiege the site of infusion, and adjacent tissue or organs may sustain damage. Moreover, patients might grapple with pain, unease, or additional unfavorable consequences stemming from the infusion. It is imperative for medical practitioners to meticulously assess the pros and cons of gastric injections for each distinct patient while adhering to established tenets and protocols to mitigate complications.

What are Gastric Injections?

Gastric injections constitute a variant of parenteral pharmaceutical administration, encompassing the direct conveyance of medication into the gastric cavity. This mode of drug delivery prevails when oral medications prove inefficacious or impracticable. Gastric injections can be implemented by healthcare professionals within a clinical milieu or self-executed by patients in their domiciles under the tutelage of a medical expert.

Gastric injections tackle a broad spectrum of maladies, including nausea, regurgitation, and gastric ulcerations. These infusions may also furnish nutrition or hydration to patients incapable of orally ingesting sustenance or potables. Furthermore, gastric injections might be employed for diagnostic objectives, such as procuring a gastric fluid specimen for scrutiny. Medication selection and visceral infusion techniques hinge on the specific ailment and the patient’s idiosyncratic requirements and predilections.

Who is a good candidate for gastric injection?

Although the treatment can be applied at any weight and can be repeated, the amount of weight loss varies according to the diet and exercise. For this reason, excessive weight loss should not be expected in overweight patients. Patients who can develop and maintain a lifestyle that includes diet and exercise are suitable for gastric injection. 

How are Gastric Injections Performed?

Gastric injections can be accomplished through various methods, contingent upon the patient’s condition and the healthcare provider’s inclinations. One prevalent method entails the utilization of a nasogastric conduit, which is a pliable tube inserted via the patient’s nasal cavity and into the stomach. Subsequently, medication is administered through the conduit and into the gastric cavity. An alternative method deploys a gastrostomy conduit, a surgically implanted tube traversing the abdominal wall and entering the stomach. Pharmaceutical agents can be introduced through the conduit directly into the gastric cavity.

Direct infusion through the abdominal wall constitutes another technique applicable to gastric injections. This modality necessitates needle insertion through the abdominal wall and into the stomach for medication delivery. Healthcare practitioners will typically cleanse and sterilize the infusion site to curtail infection risk. Additionally, they may employ a localized anesthetic to desensitize the area, alleviating pain during the procedure. Post-infusion, healthcare providers will rigorously surveil the patient for any untoward reactions or complications.

How much does Gastric Injections Cost in Izmir, Turkey?

In Izmir, Turkey, stomach injections, commonly referred to as gastric injections, have recently gained popularity as a non-surgical weight loss method.

While the price of the operation may vary based on distinct demands and preferences, our hospital in Izmir provides reasonable costs and exclusive deals for individuals considering stomach injections. It is crucial to speak with a licensed healthcare practitioner before deciding whether this course of action is appropriate for you, as with any medical procedure. To find out more about our hospital’s offerings and how we can support your weight loss efforts, get in touch with us right now.

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