Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Operation Duration

45 Mins

Hospital Stay


Total Stay




Approximate Recovery

5 Days

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Especially in adults, missing teeth not only cause an unpleasant appearance, but also cause many functional health problems such as deterioration in chewing function, bruises, joint pain, and bone resorption. Today, implant treatments are the most effective treatment approach in eliminating these problems. Successful and permanent results can be obtained with implant applications suitable for the person’s mouth and jaw structure. Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth in terms of aesthetics, comfort, and function.

Thanks to the developing technologies, missing teeth can be treated with the implant method in a short time and without other teeth being damaged. The duration of the implant may vary depending on the number of teeth to be made. One of the factors that determine and affect the success of the implant is the strength of the bone. In addition, before the treatment and during the implantation process, the gums should be healthy.

Implant treatment, chin and face development and uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension,

It can be performed on anyone with fully developed chin and face, except those on oncological treatments, or those having hypertension or uncontrolled diabete . There is no upper age limit.

Before treatment

With the diabetic patients, the diabetes should be regulated, with those who use blood thinners, drug usage should be stopped, with those who have osteoporosis the most convenient treatment should be selected. First of all, whether the patients qualify for the dental implants or not is being decided after radiological examination and CT scans.

During treatment, the patient is given a light sedation.

Implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium. After a 2 to 4 month period, the titanium implants being fused to the jawbone, the treatment is terminated by crowning the implants

The biggest benefits of dental implant treatment is ; Rarely, after the procedure, a temporary discoloration of the cheek, swelling, mild pain can be experienced and relieved by painkillers

After the implant is inserted , a pain that is no different from the pain felt after a normal tooth extraction is likely.

General or local anesthesia during implantation is possible, upon patient request.

In people who do have weak jaw bones, grafting procedures are performed to increase the strength on the implantation site. Once sufficient bone is achieved, dental implants can be inserted.

Smoking negatively affects the compatibility between the implant and the jawbone. People who have implants are recommended to quit smoking. The lifespan of implants depends on many factors. General, oral and dental care, teeth brushing twice a day, flossing, and mouth washing can lead to lifetime use of implants.

The body is not expected to reject the implant as the dental implants made of titanium are fully biocompatible. No evidence has been found to suggest that implants cause cancer.It is very important that the dentist who will perform the treatment is experienced.

Is Implant Treatment Expensive?

The comfort and benefit provided by the implant treatment exceeds the cost of the treatment. Implant prices will vary depending on the patient’s bone condition and strength, complexities and the type of implant. Choosing personalized and suitable implants is very important, dentists decide on the most suitable implant for the bone type. Implant prices should be determined and evaluated after the dentist’s examination.

How much does Dental Implants Cost in Izmir, Turkey?

For people who have lost one or more teeth due to trauma, decay, or other causes, dental implants are a common treatment. A titanium post that replaces the missing tooth’s root is inserted into the jawbone during the surgery. Then, a custom-made crown is fastened to the post to produce a substitute tooth that looks and functions like a natural tooth.

The price of the treatment may vary depending on the demands and preferences of each patient, however our hospital in Izmir provides dental implant patients with reasonable costs and promotional offers. If you want to know if this process is correct for you and to learn more about your options for restoring your smile, it’s crucial to schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable dental practitioner. To find out more about our offerings and how we can assist you in achieving a beautiful and healthy smile, get in touch with our office right away.

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Dental Treatments