Eyelid Aesthetics

Eyelid Aesthetics

Operation Duration

45 Minutes

Hospital Stay


Total Stay

5 Days



Approximate Recovery

1 Week

More Info

The purpose of blepharoplasty is to make the lower and upper eyelids appear younger without touching their natural appearance and shape. Changes in skin, muscle, fat, bone and ligament attachment sites may happen Due to aging.

Evaluation Before Surgery

Before blepharoplasty, visual acuity should be measured, eye movements should be evaluated and the standard photographs should be taken in all patients. The area where the changes in facial anatomy due to aging are most reflected is the eyelids. These can be aesthetic and functional disorders such as eyelid drooping, formation of eye bags, formation of side wrinkles called Crow’s Feet around the outside of the eyes which may block the visual field. The preoperative evaluation determines which procedures will be applied in the surgery.

Surgical Method

A single surgical technique is not suitable for every patient. A special intervention should be performed in patients with signs of aging around the eyes, such as tear through deformity or malar bags. Although blepharoplasty targets the eyelids, evaluation and treatment of the entire periorbital region is necessary. With sedation, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

The aim of upper blepharoplasty is to protect, fix, and raise the eyebrow and to provide fullness in the upper eyelid. Eyebrow ptosis and eyelid ptosis are ideally treated during blepharoplasty.

The main goal in lower blepharoplasty is to create a smoother transition zone from the lower eyelids to the cheek. Malar bags and sagging cheek fat pads may require treatment.

Aesthetic Operations Applied with Blepharoplasty

In the past, eyelid surgeries were considered as operations just involving the eyelid and corrective procedures were performed. However, after it was understood that the changes in the eyelids were affected by other disorders in the facial anatomy, eyelid aesthetic surgeries began to be performed together with aesthetic correction of the other facial anatomy disorders.

For example, we correct the pits formed as a result of the sagging of the fats that form the under-eye bags, by lifting the fat upwards, creating an uninterrupted flat surface from the cheekbones to the lower eyelids. If there is a serious sagging of the cheeks, we definitely make it aesthetic together with eyelid surgeries.

If there are sagging on the forehead in the upper eyelid surgery, that is, if your forehead and eyebrows are spreading over your eyes, firstly they are corrected with temporal lift (temporal lifting) and then eyelid aesthetic procedures are performed.

Process after Surgery

• After eyelid surgery, there may be sensitivity and little discomfort around the eyes.

• If pain is felt, painkillers recommended by the doctor can be taken.

• Applying a cold compress to the eye and lying down with the head elevated will reduce bruising and swelling. Eye bath and use of eye drops will be recommended for several days.

• Patients with thin eyelid skin experience rapid swelling and bruising after surgery. At the end of the first week, these swellings and bruises will regress.

• Make up can be applied at the end of the first week. There may be light sensitivity and increased tear secretion for a while after the surgery.

For a quick recovery process, you should stay away from extreme activities for 2-3 weeks. In addition, it is useful to use colored glasses for 3-4 weeks to avoid irritation due to sun rays and wind. Your return to work will vary depending on how quickly you recover and how you feel.

How much does Eyelid Aesthetic Cost in Izmir, Turkey?

The goal of eyelid aesthetic surgery, sometimes referred to as blepharoplasty, is to enhance the appearance of the eyes by removing extra skin, fat, and muscle from the upper and/or lower eyelids. Additionally, the technique can help restore a younger and refreshed appearance by minimizing the appearance of bags under the eyes.

The price of the treatment may vary depending on the demands and preferences of each patient, but our hospital in Izmir provides reasonable costs and exclusive deals for those considering eyelid beauty surgery. In order to decide whether this operation is best for you and to go over your objectives and goals, it is crucial that you speak with a qualified healthcare practitioner. To learn more about our hospital’s services and how we can assist you in achieving your goals, get in touch with us right away.

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