Choosing the Right Doctor and International Hospital

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Medical tourism allows millions of people around the world to travel across borders to receive better medical treatment. In this context, reaching quality care in healthcare and making this choice in a country we do not dominate is at a very critical point. Quality care, improving the patient’s health status and increasing the quality of life are the basic standards in health services. Well, we have prepared an article for you that will discuss our basic criteria that should be taken into consideration when making informed decisions in healthcare services, and the importance of quality care, patient satisfaction and international accreditation standards.

Why you might need treatment abroad?

While you are abroad or on holiday, your need may arise; this may be an illness, but it may also include annual check-ups, periodic dental check-ups, and chronic illnesses. Especially if you stay abroad for a long time, such needs will become more evident. Or you can plan your trip to a country purely for treatment purposes. Health tourism is rapidly becoming widespread in meeting international medical needs. As Can Hospital, we treat hundreds of patients every year who are citizens of dozens of different countries.

What do we pay attention to when choosing a hospital and doctor?

Patient satisfaction is the key factor used to measure the success of healthcare services. In this regard, you can visit Can Hospital’s social media accounts and website to examine its successes in surgeries and transformation stories in the field of aesthetics. In this way, you will have the opportunity to evaluate the medical skills of the institutions, as well as reach patients from your country or similar cultures who prefer the hospital you are interested in for treatment.

Nowadays, the increase in digital opportunities will provide you with opportunities in this regard. You can get preliminary information and evaluate the opportunities by sending a message to the social media accounts of the health institution you are interested in. As Can Hospital, we try to learn the treatment needs and the patient’s story by performing a preliminary examination for our patients abroad during the first evaluations. Thus, while we increase the knowledge we have about treatment, we also have the opportunity to increase the self-confidence and belief in the treatment of patients who choose us for treatment.

We recommend that you do the necessary research on patient support services. We help our patients who prefer Izmir for treatment from outside Turkey to reach our hospital from the airport and to stay during the treatment. In addition, our support staff, who are fluent in many foreign languages, assist you throughout the treatment in order to assist you in the processes within the hospital.

International Accreditation Standards

International accreditation standards are among the indicators that hospitals have reached a certain level in terms of quality and safety. As Can Hospital, we use FDA-approved products in our surgeries, and we embrace an uncompromising approach to international health standards in principle. Examining the service quality and security protocols of the health institutions you will choose will ensure that you make the least mistakes. Certifications such as ISO 9000 are also a good indicator of the high quality of care in the hospital.

If you are planning to include medical care, treatment or check-up as part of your travel, you can review the CVs of the doctors who will treat you. In this regard, you can visit our website and examine the specializations of all our doctors, the seminars they have attended and their licenses. You can also access short informative video content about the expertise of our doctors on our website.

Hospital staff’s command of international languages

When it comes to a treatment plan that requires specialist examination, tests and follow-up, it is very important that the healthcare personnel you will receive support from know a common language with you. In this regard, we recommend that you pay attention to the patient experience and communication capabilities of healthcare institutions coming from abroad as much as possible.

In this context, Izmir stands out with its modern medical facilities, experienced doctor staff and rich cultural heritage. Izmir Can Hospital is rapidly progressing towards becoming a preferred destination in health tourism by providing superior quality care to international patients.

Why should Türkiye be preferred for Health Tourism?

Health tourism in Turkey has been gaining popularity in recent years with its high quality medical facilities, international standard medical personnel and affordable price options. Choosing the right doctors and hospitals for your health tourism experience is crucial to the success and safety of your medical procedures.

Among the reasons why people choose different countries in medical tourism, which is carried out for many reasons, the most prominent reasons are the inadequate health services in their own country or the fact that the same service is offered more economically in a different country. Türkiye is among the important countries in health tourism and is among the top 20 most popular countries.

The fact that Turkey has a suitable climate spread over 4 seasons and that it is in a central and easily accessible location in the middle of the European and Asian continents are among the factors that feed these reasons.

Among the factors affecting destination choice in international health tourism, factors such as health service quality level, cost advantages, tourism opportunities and friend recommendations come to the fore. Although the cost dimension is a variable that is important to patients from all countries, especially patients from developed countries such as Europe and America have higher economic standards, compared to the high treatment costs in their own countries, appointment times in Turkey are quite fast in health tourism. results, it emerges as an important element of choice.

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